Sleep Disorders – Psychological Guidance and Sleep Coaching
€26,99 MwSt. inbegriffen
Erscheinungsdatum : 13.Dezember 2017
Gedrucktes Buch Softcover: 34,99 € (D) | 35,97 € (A) | CHF 36,00 zzgl. 7€ Versandkosten
eBook 26,99 € (D) | 26,99 € (A) | CHF 28,50
ISBN 978-3-662-54667-3
Reihe: Psychotherapie: Praxis
Basiswissen: nichtmedikamentöse Behandlungskonzepte bei nicht erholsamem Schlaf
Schlafcoaching und Schlafberatung: Kompakte Information zur Methode
Ganzheitlicher Ansatz
Sleep Disorders – Psychological Guidance and Sleep Coaching
Sleep coaching, as explored in this book, is an integrative psychotherapeutic approach for non-pharmaceutical treatment of sleep disorders. Basics of sleep and dream research, as well as treatment options for sleep disorders, are discussed. Written for psychotherapists, health advisors, psychologists, doctors, and (bio)medical professionals, this book focuses on planning and implementing psychological treatment methods for sleep disorders and covers topics including sleep education, cognitive-behavioral therapy, Gestalt Therapy, hypnotherapy, and the treatment of nightmares.
Additional information
Buchformat | Softcover, E-book |
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