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Sleep Coaching

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Sleep Coaching(®according to Holzinger & Klösch) was presented for the first time to German readers in 2013 in their book „Schlafcoaching, wer wach sein will, muss schlafen“. Since then, this methodology has been further developed to provide background knowledge about sleep to medical personnel. Sleep Coaching is even offered as a postgraduate course at the medical University of Vienna. The importance of sleep for physical and mental health is now acknowledged by most medical personnel and the many scientific researches on that topic makes this fact undeniable.

The Sleep Coaching® method can be used in several ways: it provides the knowledge…

…to be aware if the sleep pattern is healthy.

…to keep healthy sleep.

…to regain the ability of finding healthy sleep.

…to prevent from getting harmful sleep habits.

…to treat sleep related issues within yourself or other people.

Sleep Coaching® is based on Gestalt Therapy and includes elements of

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
  • Sleep Education
  • Medical Hypnosis and Relaxation Techniques
  • Dream Work – (including nightmares and their treatment).

Those four pillars make the method rapidly effective, while also being effective on a long term. Discover in this course the basis of this method and learn how to implement it in your life or in the lives of people you want to help with their sleep issues. Healthy sleep is the basis of a healthy and productive life.

You can get an overview of the course on:

When booking, please provide us your email address in order for us to send you the access information (login & PW)

Costs: € 120,– including VAT